EYEBROWS. .INDEX. 369 secretion of tears, 153,162; grief, 1V6 ; obliquity of the eyebrows, ITS ; grief-muscles, 15, 179-191; depression of tie corners of the month, 191-195; joy, 196; high spirits, cheerfulness, 210; love, tender feelings, 212; devotion, 217-219. Eyebrows, obliquity of the, ITS. Eyes, the, contraction of the mus- cles during screaming, 158. F. Iface^ muscles of, 22, Fear, 81, 289; description of, by Job, 291. Peelings, tender, 212; excited by sympathy, 214 lighting, mode of, in animals. 111; all carnivora fight -with their ca- nine teeth, 111; dogs, cats, 111; horses, guanacoes, &c., 112; moose-deer, 112; rabbits, 113; boars, 113; elephants, 113; rhinoc- eros, 113; monkeys, 113. lingers, snapping, to express con- tempt, 256. Torbes, Mr. D., 230, 317, 335. Ford, Mr., 95. Porster, J. E., 317. Poster, Mr. Michael, 342, 343. Pox, the, 124. Preycinet, 174. Progs, 36, 104. Prowning, the act of, 3, 220; men ot all races frown, 222; in infants, 223 ; to assist vision, 224; to ex- clude the bright light, 225. Pyife, Dr., 303. a. G-aika, Christian, 22, 207, 254, 294, 319. Galton, Mr. P., 33, n. 8. G-arrod, Mr. A. E., T4, n. 9. G-askell, Mrs., 150, n. 5. aeach, Mr. P., 20, 185, 250, 260, 26T, 316. Gesture-language, 61. G-estures, 32, 62; inheritance of ha- bitual, 33, n. 8; accompanying blushing, 320. G-lenie, the Kev. S. O.,21,166, n. $0, 250. Goose-skin, 101, 103. Gordon, Lady Duff, 316. Gorilla, the, 95,142. Gould. 100, n. 15. Gratiolet, Pierre, 6, 32,118,156,164, 177, 200, 225, 227, n. 6. 254 241 «. #, 336. ' Gray, Professor, and Mrs. Asa, 2* 267,315. ^ * Green, Mrs., 20. Grief, 80; expression of, 176; obli- quity of the eyebrows, ITS; de- pression of the corners of the mouth, 191-195; in monkeys, 134. Grief-muscles, 15,179-191. Gueldenstiidt, 124, n. 4. Guilt, 261; causes blushing, 332. Gunning, Dr., 161. Gtinther, Dr., 100,104,109,«. SO. H. Habit, force of, 29. Hagenauer, the Rev., 19, 102, 2S2, Hair, change of colour in the, 67, 341; erection of the. 101. 254.' Haller,88. 4 Handbueh der Anatomic des Men- schen,' 5, -ft. 7. Eares, 83. Harvey, SO, n. S. Hatred, 237; anger, indignation. 244:; sneering, defiance, uneovtring the canine tooth, 247. Heart, the, sensitive to Asternal emotions, 68; re-acts on the brain, 69; affected by rage, 75. Helrnholtz, 88, 91. Helplessness, 263. Henderson, Mr.T 108, n. SI. Henle, 22,148, ». *, 5,191, n. 6, 201. Herpestes, the, 96,103.110. High spirits, 210; definition of, by a child, 210. Hippocrates, 80, n. 8, 72. Holland, Sir Henry, $6, ST, ft,«. S, 338, n. 35, 339. Homer's descriptioii of laughter, 196. Horror, 304. Horse, the, 45; nibbling, pawing of, 45; scream in disnress, 84; fighting, 111; expression of fear, pleasure, &c., 128. Humboldt 134, 318. Humility, 261. Huschke, 287. Huxley, Profe^or, 31, n. 5,85, m. 9. Hyiena, the, 122. Idiots, weeping, 155: espresslcm of joy in, m; blushing, 310. Ill-temper, 228. •